Building Trust - Celebrating Success

Company Books
Whether your company or organization is well established or relatively young, its history is filled with tales of success, setbacks, and changes over time and more than likely includes stories of the people who founded, developed, and shaped the company.
Storyzon can help you turn the success of your company into a book that chronicles and celebrates its history. A biography of your organization tells customers, partners, and employees about the background and philosophy of your company, and serves as an excellent public relations and marketing tool. It personalizes and honors relationships with longtime clients and builds customer loyalty. It reinforces a sense of reliability and inspires trust in prospective customers. It also engenders a sense of belonging among employees. Creating such a book is an imaginative and unique way to celebrate a milestone and ensure that the culture that made a company successful will be carried on into the future.
Our team will interweave facts, statistics, and recollections with photos, pictures, and graphs to convey your company’s textured history. The book will be made available in both print and digital editions.
Company Histories at a glance:
In-depth interviews
Archival research (upon request)
Design by an award-winning art director
Fresh, creative writing
Highest-quality production
Tribute Books
A Tribute Book from Storyzon honors the life work of an individual or a group of individuals. Tribute Books combine personal profiles with company histories, thus acknowledging and celebrating the important role an individual played in the success of an organization.
Every company has its own style and culture, and at Storyzon we create the book that fits your company’s personality. We interview coworkers, employees, family members and friends to create a lasting tribute to your company’s founder or important role model. This tribute is a beautifully crafted piece of history.
“As a third-generation family business, the history of our family and our company are closely intertwined; combining our father’s life story with the company’s history felt natural. And yet, seeing it all come together in a book was more moving and meaningful than we anticipated. Storyzon did wonderful work.” —David Kruse