“All art is autobiographical,
the pearl is the oyster's autobiography.”
F. Fellini
To create a strong narrative, you need strong storytelling. Just like a pearl is composed of many layers, so is your life story. And just like the pearl's sheen is a function of the light refracting among these layers, so is the magic of your memoir a function of the interplay of its many biographical layers.
Storyzon books render the essence of a person's life in a way that brings to light its unique sheen.

Every life has its own, unique place in history;
every individual story is part of a larger
story. It's the soil from which we grow, the soil from which our family grows.
Sharing our story means nourishing that soil with our attention, our experience, and our love.
A strong narrative provides roots for our family, and keeps the connection between the generations alive.

To inquire about a project or to request a quote, please contact us at:
415 637-7662 / info@storyzon.com
"When I founded Storyzon in 2002, it was with the idea that every book should be as unique as the story it tells. No shortcuts. No exceptions. Each design had to be one-of-a-kind, and the style and flavor of writing needed to reflect the individual tone and intention of the narrator.
Whether it's a memoir, a biographical novel, or a collection of vignettes, each piece of writing has to have its own signature and fingerprint, its own unique voice."
Jurgen Mollers

Creator in chief at Storyzon, Jurgen Mollers holds a Ph.D. in Literature and Philosophy. He has lived and worked in several European countries before founding Storyzon in 2002.
Since, he has interviewed hundreds of people, and written and helped create more than fifty books.
Jurgen's writing spans across a wide range of fields, from academia to art to poetry.
His passion for life stories is based on a deep appreciation for the miraculous unfolding of our lives.